An Odyssey in Embodiment . Five wisdoms . Five modules . One year

Embark on a radical and revolutionary journey of evolution
through the vehicle of expression. 
Using the 5Rhythms as our map,
the body as our guide,
movement as our fuel,
and awakening as our destiny.





This year-long odyssey is a powerful enquiry through dance into yourself as a Body of Work.
We will be exploring five wisdoms of the 5Rhythms, as distilled by Honor, in such a way
that brings awareness, action, accountability, and alchemy.

This work is experiential and engaging.

Moving together with a dedicated circle of courageous kinsfolk,
dancing for the duration of a year, as well as taking on
a series of personal/practical quests, provides the framework
for real ‘feet on the ground’ applications of this work.
Your commitment and discipline are required.

If you would like to book a discovery call with Honor, BE IN TOUCH


  • Embodyssey map

    Your evolve happens at the rate and quality of your involve.
    ~ Felicia Miracle Hankins

    Change itself is changing. The process of evolution itself is evolving. There is a meta-evolution, or a metachange that is taking place. And in that process what you see is actually an increasing contrast between change and the eternal or the unchanging.
    ~ Yasuhiko Kimura


    The whole point is Embodiment. ~ Gabrielle Roth

    A pilgrimage into the terrain and temple-territories deep within the fabric of our being: flesh and bone, muscle and organ, breath, and the mystery that weaves through it all.

    Embarking into deep listening and reverence for the earthling that we are.

    Be here. Embody.


    Being engaged is a way of doing life, a way of living and loving. It’s about going to extremes and expressing the bright hope that life offers us, a hope that makes us brave and expels darkness with light. ~ Bob Goff

    We are living in strong times and we are called to step up, show up, beat the drum of our heart, and engage with life. Wield the sword of Truth.

    The archetype of the Heart Warrior is required. How would you move in the world if you were more fully recruited in it?

    Commit. Activate. Engage.


    To change skins, to evolve into new cycles, I feel one has to learn to discard. ~ Anaïs Nin

    We cannot take the dross with us. It is imperative that we lighten the load, discard the legions of baggage that we’ve been dragging for eons.

    A massive purging is required, individually and collectively. What needs to go? This is the moment for the movement of cleansing.

    Unburden. Release. Empty.


    When old patterns are broken, new worlds emerge. ~ Tuli Kupferberg

    And like a butterfly from the chrysalis, a Phoenix from the ashes, we are revealed. The voice of our own truth. The declaration of the light.

    The revelation of beauty.
    The beacon of solution.
    The prophecy of evolution.

    What will you do with that?

    Blossom. Burst forth. Emerge.


    Who holds the keys to our evolution? How do we dedicate ourselves to the awakening of consciousness? Unfold in the miraculous state of presence.

    Open to the mystery. Abide in the eternal now, and the ever-unfolding uncertainty. Dance in our personal power.

    The ultimate purpose of human existence is to bring that power into the world. ~ Eckhart Tolle.

    Our Embodied Awakening is called for. We are the changemakers. The one's we've been waiting for.

    Wake up. Evolve.

what’s included?

Five In-Person Immersions (with residential option)

  • The key foundation of this journey are 5 x four-day immersions over the course of the year.

  • They include exploration of the various themes of each module through movement & dance, embodiment practice & process, dialogue & dyad, journalling & guidance.

  • Each of these modules are integral to one another and not ‘stand alone’ workshops.

  • The venue is a stunning purpose-built dance studio on idyllic, sacred, private land in the heart of the Upper Wilsons Creek valley (Bundjalung Country, Byron Shire), bordering Mt. Jerusalem NP and Koonyum Range. Dancing in this studio is a dream come true!

  • The modules are fully and professionally catered with soul-nourishing delicious lunch, teas, snacks (+ dinner if. you are residential) for your ease, convenience, and nourishment.

Five Virtual Gatherings

  • There are five live online sessions through zoom offering additional coaching, support, teachings, conversations, challenges & breakthroughs, dance breakouts, to meet whatever is arising on the journey.

  • These are an integral part of the Embodyssey journey.

  • Between the in-person sessions and the virtual sessions we will meet on average once a month.

Personal 1:1 Session with Honor

  • Via zoom or in person

  • Plus ongoing support at any time

    Five Sacred Quests/Tasks 

  • These sacred tasks are designed to support the bridging between the dance and real life.

  • They are a powerful tool to create practical lasting change and accountability.

  • They are always optional, but recommended.

    Support & connection through a private group

  • Solely for Embodyssey 2025 participants this creates a living and continuous way to stay connected with Honor and the group.

    Additional complementary access to the following online programs to support your home practice:

  • Morning Mojo 21-day online cycle in 2025

  • Chrysalis 7-week mid-Winter online series.

Embodyssey is such an apt name for this odyssey of embodiment! A great way to delve into each of the five Rhythms and learn more about this rich practice – that is about movement and embodiment but also about so much more. Embodyssey is a perfect container to explore and work on yourself, feel supported through challenge and change, meet like-minded people, and discover deeper and deeper levels of embodiment to resource whatever journey you’re on.

Honor is an amazing teacher who holds the group with so much love and commitment, creating a space for trust and surrender to the process – for a whole year!

Having been part of the first two Embodyssey cycles, I have experienced and witnessed the fantastic power of the Embodyssey journey. I highly recommend it to anyone thinking about joining this journey.”

~ Ineke




This module calls upon
the MEDICINE of FLOWing:
Freeing the Body
the Power of Being

We cultivate listening to the body in a way that invites us into movement.
To BE dancers. And to harness movement as a spiritual practice.

Leaning into the body, we switch on and awaken the visceral, ancestral wisdom contained within our cells, muscles, organs, blood, and bones. Deepening our trust in the body that we can and will remember how to move in the untamed ways that support our healing, creativity, and fully embodied presence.

Throughout history, at the hand of religions, politics, and regimes we have become more and more disenfranchised, disconnected from our bodies. It is now imperative, for our own evolution and liberation, to renew this connection to our Earthling self and to the Earth herself.

Embodiment is the new enlightenment.

We’ll utilise, vitalise, catalyse, crystalise, and alchemise our extraordinary capacity for embodied expression, healing, and awakening.

Embody is the song that calls us home to ourselves.


This module calls upon
Expressing the Heart
the Power of Loving

The wisdom here lies in our activation.

To engage is to participate, to move toward, to take action, and to partner with life.

“If we don’t do our own dance, who will?” ~ Gabrielle Roth

Life is not a spectator sport, although our collective addiction to ‘the scroll’ on our devices would have us behave otherwise.

And so we ignite our FIRE, our warrior spirit, the drum of our heart, the passion of our desire to make a difference in this world. To not take our unsung song to the grave. To take a stand. We are living in strong times and unless we awaken our fortitude to show up and live on purpose, we will become mushy.

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

We connect to the energy in the power centre of the hips, unlocking and unblocking, stepping in and through, exploring those movements that are clear, defined, expressive, assertive, decisive, and confident to serve our truth and get shit done.

“Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?” ~ Gabrielle Roth

Engage is the song that calls us out to life.


This module calls upon
Emptying the Mind
the Power of Knowing

The Greek word ‘chaos’ literally means empty space or abyss.  Many of us are terrified of emptiness. We try desperately to hold our lives together, to keep everything secure and predictable…but life is none of those things. Chaos teaches us how to hang in the unknown and dig it.

Physically and mentally we are carrying more than we need, more than what serves us and humanity. So, the wisdom of Empty is in letting go. We surrender the dead weight, the dross, the mental baggage. Dancing Chaos grounds the mind in the body and releases everything that blocks us from our intuition. We let go of the head dissolve back into the primordial dance.  

 “Become totally empty.
Quiet the restlessness of the mind.
Only then will you witness
Everything unfolding from Emptiness.” ~ Lao Tzu

The more we empty, the more we open to the Divine Emptiness, the Great Mystery, the Void in which there is infinite possibility. It can be terrifying and supremely liberating.

 “We dance until we disappear, until all that is left is the dance.” ~Gabrielle Roth

When we surrender to the complete dissolution of all that we thought we were, when we can turn to goo inside the chrysalis and dissolve into the unknown, the conditions for the emergence of the butterfly are created.

“If I let go it takes me past my ordinary self into my luminous self.” ~ Gabrielle Roth

Empty is the song that calls us to freedom.

“an alchemical process of transformation.”

~ Pasha Lyndi (previous participant)


This module calls upon
Awakening the Soul
the Power of Seeing

This requires an alchemical shift in frequency.

“Your very essence emerged from Emptiness.” ~Wayne Dyer

We rise and reveal our beauty, magnificence, radiance, and glory, emerge into the world and allow ourselves to be seen - with total permission to shine our unique light and share our unique gifts to the world.

This is our soul contract in coming to Earth.

In emerging we also merge into our community and the mycelium of the unified field. Tuning our unique song with the harmony of the whole. This is the Lyrical Love Song. And it’s f**king beautiful!

We rise to see through eagle eyes the bigger vision of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. And our contribution to that. In the dance we ride the wind under our wings, and free our soul’s unique magic and power.

“Lyrical shows us our place in the universe as a whole. In Lyrical we seek truth about both ourselves and our mission here on this planet.” ~ Gabrielle Roth

The wisdom of Emerge culminates in the coronation, the crowning of our own inner King/Queen/Sovereign Self. And fully owning that!  Not in superiority over anyone else but in the honouring ever everyone as that. So simply through the way we see one another, we empower one another.

Emerge is the song that calls us to the light.


This module calls upon
the medicine of STILLNESS:
embodying the Spirit
the Power of healing

Stillness brings us ever more into the awareness of Spirit.
The eternal, unchanging, infinite vastness.
That which transcends life and transcends death. 
We attune our dance to the Spirit of all things.

 “The impulse to evolve is inherent in the very nature of life.” ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

And yet to evolve we must realize ourselves as ONE with all life, that we not separate from the soil nor the stars, nor one another. “There is only one of us here.” ~GR

So to heal the planet we must heal ourselves, to transform humanity, we must transform our own psyche, for the evolution of the collective consciousness, we must be evolving ourselves.

As Yasuhiko Kimura describes it, this is the dance between being and becoming.  Being is the changeless source of all that is, the formless ground where words and categories dissolve. Becoming is the part of you that grows, changes, and shifts. It is the realm where inspiration becomes actualised in the world. Being is your STILL centre, your Source; becoming is your personality, your body, and your interactions with the world.

Nothing exists outside of this dance.

We must ourselves join in the dance of the cosmos.

“Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.” ~ T.S. Eliot

Evolve is the song that calls us to awaken.

“by arriving in my body, I understood parts of myself that were unknown to me, and I healed and nurtured myself as never before.”

~ Liz Doherty (previous participant)


2025 DATES:

Module 1: 21 - 24 Feb : Embody (Flowing)
Module 2: 16 - 19 May : Engage (Staccato)
Module 3: 1 - 4 Aug : Empty (Chaos)
Module 4: 17 - 20 Oct : Emerge (Lyrical)
Module 5: 12 - 15 Dec : Evolve (Stillness)

We begin at 4pm on day 1 and complete by 4pm on day 4 of each module.
Those taking the residential option may arrive to the land at 1pm.

Byron shire hinterland

Private Address (shared with registration)
Upper Wilsons Creek Road
Upper Wilsons Creek, NSW, 2482

This venue is a stunning purpose-built dance studio on idyllic, sacred, private land in the heart of the rainforest of Upper Wilsons Creek valley, Bundjalung Country, bordering Mt. Jerusalem NP and Koonyum Range.

Located 18km from Mullumbimby, and 1 hr 10 minutes from both Ballina and Gold Coast Airports.

Dancing in this studio is a dream come true!


Located just five minutes from our dance studio in the terrains and waterways of the Upper Wilsons Creek rainforest.

The accommodation option is offered to support those travelling from interstate or further afield, as well as anyone wishing to have a deeper immersion. Give yourself the opportunity to stay immersed in the process without having to venture back out into the day-to-day. This option is recommended. Only 12 spaces available.

Shared yurt/temple space.
Four to a room in beautiful 8 and 16 sided temple and meditation spaces.
Mattresses provided. Byo bedding, or may be hired by prior arrangement.

BYO tent or van.

There is a large open plan Community House perfect for our shared meals, relaxation, self practice, cosying up and chilling out.
With a huge open fireplace for the winter months, and a deck encompassing sweeping views of the rainforest.

Please note these accommodation options are grounded in simplicity and beauty. This is not a retreat centre. It is a home.

Lunch will be served at the workshop venue.
Dinner will be served in the Community House of the accommodation venue.
Breakfast is self-catered (kitchen, refrigeration & pantry storage available in our Community House).


Deposit: $700 to hold your place (non-refundable) *

Earlybird Discount of $500 if paid in full before 1 September
Program Only: $4950
Shared Yurt/Temple Accommodation:
$1200 (inclusive of all 5 Immersions)
Own Camping Accommodation:  $975 (inclusive of all 5 Immersions)

Bespoke payment plans + work exchange placements are available
Contact Honor for application and information

Beautiful, nourishing, nutritionally balanced, and professionally catered lunch, teas & treats to support your process are included in these prices. Evening meals are also included in the Accomodation Packages. Breakfast is self-catered.

* Deposit will be deducted from balance.

refund policy:

  • Up to 30 days prior to the start of Embodyssey cancellation with refund is available [less $700 deposit]

  • After 30 days prior to the start of Embodyssey no refund will be available due to cancellation.

  • If there is a waiting list and your place can be filled, you will receive a refund [less $700 deposit]

  • Once the program has begun, no refunds are available.


“What a life changing experience.”

~ Yolanda

What others are saying…

  • “I began my journey with Honor this year and I have never looked back.

    I signed up for Embodyssey with little experience of the 5Rhythms practice. What a life changing experience. The work I did with Honor throughout the year has been transformational. Honor developed a safe space to explore the Rhythms and provided knowledge and guidance at each step. Although I was nervous to embark on this journey, I felt supported by the community to explore the movement, challenge my fears and work at a deeper level for myself.

    The online modules provided a space to debrief and stay connected and the in-person weekends allowed me to process and practice the medicine of the dance. I highly recommend this experience and cannot thank Honor enough for her dedication and commitment to the 5Rhythms practice and the Embodyssey journey.”

    ~ Yolanda

  • “This was a shamanic journey, a sacred space...

    …in which I could be radically and authentically myself. I experienced a felt sense of belonging with the most beautiful group of humans; deep cellular healing and sacred remembering; dancing essential parts of myself home, whilst opening new pathways of possibility and new edges of self-expression. The pure magic has rippled into all facets of my life.

    In giving myself fully to this practice and this journey, it has given SO much to me.  I can now surely say that the 5Rhythms method is genius; the intelligence of each rhythm is something I understand on a visceral level, imbibing their unique medicine. 

    Embodyssey is like a mystery school of movement.

    As a facilitator myself, I am super fussy about the containers I choose to place myself in. I felt so held in Honor’s container - her facilitation is of an incredibly high standard. She holds immaculate space which is a testament to her own deep journey and extensive experience. The compassion she brings is immense. I hold her in such high regard, as she did each of us. This journey was rich, revealing, rapturous … I loved it so much that I’m going to do it all over again.”

    ~ Jasmine Rose

  • “I healed and nurtured myself as never before.

    Being part of the Embodyssey journey last year was a profound dive into embodiment and presence. By arriving in my body, I understood parts of myself that were unknown to me.

    Dance has always been part of my life, but being able to surrender in a safe space, with beautiful people and an amazing guide has allowed me to deepen my practice and my connection to my body and my being. I thought I understood the Rhythms before, but spending a weekend in each Rhythm and having the amazing group to connect, share and be supported by was a very beautiful and life changing experience.

    Having Honor as a guide and the beautiful people to journey with has been a blessing!”

    ~ Liz Doherty

  • "What an epic adventure in dance, an alchemical process of transformation.

    Being part of Embodyssey was incredible. It benefitted me in so many ways. Cultivating new patterns, my range of movement is more versatile than ever. The dance also worked very deeply on my psyche… it’s a shamanic journey, for sure.

    I allowed the emotions and stories to move through me in a more fluid way [that] felt very healing and freeing.

    So transformative and empowering - my life is changed forever. Thank you so much Honor, and I hope many, many more dancers continue to benefit from this world class dance offering and the freedom and beauty it, and you, bestow.

    Honor’s work is not ‘just’ movement, it is a sacred art form, and a powerful transmission.

    Honor is encouraging, gracious and graceful - a high priestess of dance. I always felt so safe and so inspired by her embodiment. I worked in performing arts and trained at a world class school of performance, and Honor is one of the best movement teachers I’ve ever had the privilege to work with. I value that Honor has 20 years of experience dancing these rhythms and has studied with the finest teachers in the world, including Gabrielle Roth. You can't help but soak that in, if you spend time with her.“

    ~ Pasha

  • "This journey has brought a sense of clarity and direction to my life. I feel stronger and braver.

    After completing a cycle of Morning Mojo, I felt called to gift myself Embodyssey. Such a beautiful gift! I found it so powerful to journey through this year with an amazing, loving and courageous community, to be seen, to be heard, to feel safe, to be held, to simply BE together. I’m moving forward with greater clarity, strength, spaciousness and feel even more love for life.

    I highly recommend the Embodyssey program for anyone, no matter where you are at. It is a potent journey home to your wild and magnificent self.

    Honor embodies her work, she is raw, authentic, vulnerable, and courageous. I felt I could let go and be with whatever was present because of the container she so skilfully and lovingly created and held.

    Honor creates space for each person to feel seen and heard and meets the group with tenderness, compassion, honesty, humour and fierce love. Her passion and commitment for this work to create lasting personal shifts and a beautiful life is inspiring. She facilitates all her offerings with great skill, experience, and grace.”

    ~ Amanda

  • “I cannot recommend Embodyssey highly enough.

    The course supported me to open up the places in my body and mind I had shut down, discard what I didn’t need anymore, and discover and enhance the beautiful qualities in myself that I want to shine brighter.

    The group is as intimate and or personal as you choose however I felt so genuinely supported by our group and Honor particularly during such a challenging year as 2020.

    Honor brings years of dedicated practice, wisdom and caring, it’s a powerful respectful space she creates for you to move, play and explore yourself. Let's face it, dancing is fun, it’s a great way to get your growing and vitality in one practice in the stunningly beautiful green hills of Pullenvale.”

    ~ Kathryn

  • "These words came to me several times when I was dancing throughout the year: ‘Remember, Remember, Remember.'

    I had forgotten parts of myself, or perhaps hidden them away or never realised they were there. Embodyssey felt like a breeze, blowing away piles of leaves – allowing me to see more clearly, allowing more of me to be present and to be seen.

    There was an energy in this group that was quite special and not something I have experienced before, which has generated a bigger range of what I can experience, including more compassion for myself and others. I have developed some lovely friendships and connections.

    If you get to work with Honor, you are incredibly fortunate. She is an exceptional teacher and mentor – she knows when to encourage or challenge, nurture or nudge you along, and when to listen compassionately and share her wisdom. She holds space with both gentleness and strength. Honor is quite simply a wonderful human doing amazing things. If you can work with her, you should!”

    ~ Ky

  • "So good, I did it twice.

    I had the most wonderful 2-year experience of Embodyessy. It’s not like me to repeat something, and I must say I enjoyed my second year even more than the first!

    I was familiar with embodiment practices, but I had never danced 5Rhythms before I joined Embodyessy 2022. I felt a real connection to what Honor was offering, and the journey more than exceeded the promise. I am so grateful that I trusted the voice inside saying yes.

    There was so much unravelling, softening and awakening. I had many breakthroughs, light bulb moments and realisations. Perhaps one of the most powerful learnings was how much I had been ‘checking out of the world’ or ‘subtly numbing myself’ to avoid feeling my feelings. How much all these emotions were dying to be acknowledged and expressed, and how good it felt to (finally!) give them time in the spotlight.

    Honor provided the most beautiful and loving container for this. I felt safely guided to lean into these challenging emotions and long-held limiting beliefs. This allowed me to feel greater heights of joy, freedom and love. I invited a truck-load more joy into my life and I started leaning into areas of my life that I previously felt much resistance and blocked in.

    Honor’s loving and firm style means you won’t be able to hide, but also if you are signing up for this, you’ve probably had enough of playing it small. The more you lean into the experience, the more you will get out of it.

    Jump into Embodyessy, I’m sure you will have the ride of your life.”

    ~ Caitlin

“Embodyssey is like a mystery school of movement.”

~ Jasmine Rose

IF YOU have any questions,
OR would like to connect with me
for a discovery call,
let’s have a chat.